Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy

26024 - Activities for Functional Independence VI: Occupational Capacity and Joining the Job Market

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26024 - Activities for Functional Independence VI: Occupational Capacity and Joining the Job Market
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

Brief description of the subject’s objectives:

The subject is developed within the context of the study of human activity, deepening the effect of those activities in the independent operation and health of the people.

The subject will lead the student towards the knowledge and the application of tools, techniques and professional skills of intervention and evaluation, which are used in the process of occupational therapy, in the area of occupational performance of work.


The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:

A mixed orientation, both theoretical and applied, so that the activities are planned thinking about the acquisition of knowledge and skills that the student needs in order to develop the process of occupational therapy in the area of work.

The materials of the course will be presented through the Digital Teaching Platform.



5.2. Learning tasks

The programme that is offered to the students to help them to achieve the predicted results includes the following activities...


 1. Theoretical classes in a large group (50 hours).

Explanation of the different contents of the subject, directing the group towards the acquisition of competences and learning results.

 2. Workshops / practical seminars in reduced groups (12.5 hours).

Analysis and solution of different practical assumptions, putting into practice the theoretical basis of the course.

3. Individual work (12.5 hours).

Individual work unites a personal study of the subject, analysis and study of the materials presented in the Digital Teaching Platform and the work in groups.

4. Study and evaluation (75 hours).


5.3. Syllabus


Theme 1: Occupational operation: definitions.

Theme :  Work: basic aspects.

Theme 3: Work and Occupational Therapy.


Theme 1: Disability: concept delimitation.

Theme 2: Disability and inclusion employability: legislative elements.

Theme 3: Employment patterns with disability: Special Center of Employment, labor enclaves, companies of insertion, employment with support.


Theme 1: Evaluating the workplace.

Theme 2: Evaluating capacities and skills of the worker.

Theme 3: Evaluation skills in employability: evaluation tools developed by MOHO (Model of Human Occupation), instruments for the registry of habits of labor adjustment, implements of evaluation for the vocational orientation. 


Theme 1: Employability and Companies of inclusion in the workplace.

Theme 2: Actions and programs in employability: vocational orientation, training in skills of formative- occupational adjustment, training job serching techniques, training of the occupational asertiveness, formative support, intervention with families. 


Theme 1: Active search of work.

Theme 2: Different types of work.


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Calendar of face-to-face sessions and presentation of works

The information about the planning and the calendar for the formative activities will be available at the Digital Teaching Platform.

Theoretical classes in big group: 3 hours a week during the two theoretical moduls.

Practical seminars in groups: they are distributed along the course.


          A final and integrating project, which will be submittted in march.

          Tasks related directly to the theoretical classes and to the practical seminars.

Qualifying mid-term exam: at the end of the first theoretical modul.

Qualifying mid-term exam: at the end of the second theoretical modul.

Final Exam: In June, coinciding with the official summons published in the Academic Planning.



5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Centro de rehabilitación laboral: guía de procesos y buenas prácticas. Antonio Cortines Mayorga, Déborah Martínez Álvarez (autores); Guillermo González de la Torre (coord.); Alejandro Arribas Sánchez (revisor técnico). Madrid, Grupo 5, 2011.
  • Desarrollo profesional e inserción laboral en personas con enfermedad mental: procesos para la recuperación y promoción de la autonomía personal. Óscar Sánchez Rodríguez (coord.); Ana María Abad Fernández ... [et al.] Madrid, Grupo 5, 2012.
  • Dirección y gestión de recursos humanos. 7ª ed. act. Luis Puchol. Madrid, Díaz de Santos, 2007.
  • Economía social e inserción laboral de las personas con discapacidad en el País Vasco. José Barea Tejeiro (dir.), José Luis Monzón Campos (coord..). Bilbao, Fundación BBVA, 2008.
  • Ergonomía y psicosociología aplicada : manual para la formación del especialista. 15ª ed. Llaneza Álvarez, Javier. Valladolid, Lex Nova, 2009.
  • Evaluar a las personas: inteligencia y personalidad, eficacia, clima social y motivación. Fourgous, Jean-Michel, Lambert, Hervé-Pierre. Madrid, Deusto, 1993.
  • Formación ocupacional de las personas con discapacidad psíquica. Guerrero Romera, Catalina. Barcelona, Ariel, 2002.
  • Formación para la inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad intelectual. Sara de Miguel Badesa y Rosario Cerrillo Martín (coord.). Madrid, Pirámide, 2010.
  • Fundamentos metodológicos de la terapia ocupacional. Gómez Tolón, Jesús. Zaragoza, Mira Editores, 1997.
  • Guía para la orientación laboral de colectivos vulnerables. Echenique, Mar. Madrid, Cruz Roja Española, 2009.
  • La inserción laboral de las personas con discapacidades. Colectivo Ioé. Barcelona, Fundación la Caixa, 2003
  • La integración laboral de las personas con discapacidad. Barcelona, Fundació Institut Guttmann, 1993.
  • Modelo de ocupación humana. Teoría y aplicación. 4ª edición. Gary Kielhofner. Buenos Aires, Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2011.
  • Occupational Therapy and Vocational Rehabilitation. Joanne Ross. Chichester, England. John Wiley and Sons, 2007. 
  • Orientación e inserción profesional: fundamentos y tendencias. Pérez Boullosa, Alfredo, Blasco Calvo, Pilar. Valencia, Nau Llibres, 2001.
  • Orientación sociolaboral para personas con discapacidad visual. Martínez Abellán, Rogelio. Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla, MAD, 2010.
  • Rehabilitación laboral de personas con enfermedad mental crónica: Programas básicos de intervención. Elena Alcaín Oyarzun ... [et al.] Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, 2001.
  • Terapia Ocupacional. Elizabeth Blesedell Crepeau, Ellen S. Cohn, Barbara A. Boyt Schell. Buenos Aires, Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2011.
  • Terapia ocupacional aplicada al daño cerebral adquirido. Begoña Polonio López, Dulce María Romero Ayuso [coordinadoras]. Madrid, Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2010.
  • Terapia ocupacional en salud mental. Pedro Moruno Miralles y Miguel Ángel Talavera Valverde. Barcelona, Elsevier, 2011.